fwd:Re: Northstar coolant loss

John S Gwynne jsg
Wed May 17 15:18:34 GMT 1995

Please send messages to diy_efi, not owner-diy_efi. Thanks.

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To: owner-diy_efi
Cc: phillips at ed8200.ped.pto.ford.com
Subject: Re: Northstar coolant loss
Date: Wed, 17 May 95 10:09:39 -0400
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>>A fairly remarkable comment was made that the Northstar V8 (and I assume
>>the derivative Oldsmobile Aurora V8) could run in a mode without coolant,
>>pumping air and normally combusting alternately on two cylinder banks.  I
>>assume that this is some sort of failure mode that allows the owner to
>>make his way to a service station.  Is this correct?  Could anyone from GM
>>(Ed or Andrew) elaborate? 

>Cadillac advertises that it can be driven up to 200 miles after coolant loss
>to get to service.

I'm not 'anyone from GM', anymore, so they can correct me if I'm wrong, but 
what you say is true.  Its essentially, an air-cooled - but 'crippled' - engine
in this mode. I think it was advertised as a 50 mile thing, though.

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