2-D interpolation for HC11

Andrew Dennison ADEN at mechman.mm.swin.edu.au
Thu Sep 21 01:04:09 GMT 1995

> Does anyone out there have some code worked up on
> a 'HC11 which performs 2-D table lookup on 8-bit
> unsigned data?  I have a project here at work which
> uses two pressure sensors attached to the A/D ports,
> and I need to perform a calculation z = F(x,y),
> with x and y being the A/D readings, and z is
> the resultant table lookup.
Hi Bruce,
I have some table interpolation code for the HC11 however it is a 1-D 
table with 16 bit values. The code is optomised inline assembler for 
the HITECH-C compiler. The code has been tested thoroughly - I 
sumulated every boundary condition and it allows for positive and 
negative slope in the map. I started to write a 2-D map but I didn't 
really need it at the time...
I'll send the code if you think it may be useful.


Andrew Dennison - Research Associate
The CIM Centre                Address: CIM Centre
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA                   Swinburne University
Phone: +61 3 9214 8296                 PO Box 218
Fax:   +61 3 9819 4949                 Hawthorn Victoria 3122
WWW:   http://cim.mm.swin.edu.au/      Australia

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