tom cloud
cloud at
Mon Nov 4 13:25:11 GMT 1996
>M HILL wrote:
>> >If the program is not stopped, the computer's processor will
>> >be placed in an nth-complexity infinite binary loop - which can
>> >severely damage the processor if left running that way too long.
>> >Unfortunately, most
>> Does anybody know potential values for n? Does it only damage the
>> processor for certain values of n or are all values dangerous?
>> Martin
>the bigger n the more dangereous the loop is
>as I can remember my machine code lessons the processor temp relates
>to n like
>increase in TEMP = orig T + exp(n-40)
>where 40 is the maximum stack value
>note that the increase depends on the original temp
>so just by cooling the proc you can lower the damage in your computer
>if you can keep it under 40 deg celsius it'll survive with a light
>alzheimer effect on the address and arithmetic units
Yuck - Yuck
Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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