O2 Sensor Open/Close Loop

tom cloud cloud at hagar.ph.utexas.edu
Wed Nov 13 21:56:52 GMT 1996

>Here is some data that shows newer vehicles stay in closed loop at WOT.
>The vehicle tested is a 1997 GMC 2500 P/U with a 5700 Vortec V-8.  I 
>logged MAP, RPM, TPS (0= closed, 400= WOT), and O2 volts.  You can see 
>the sensor voltage toggles all the way through WOT points.
>If this works out the way I think, the message should have an attached 
>file with the data.

That was interesting (really).  Thanks.

Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>

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