Really long water injection post, $0

Woodd, Michael wooddm at
Wed Sep 4 21:05:21 GMT 1996

Ed says...

>I disagree. The best analogy I can think of is an old fashioned bomb
>fuse burning its way to a big black bomb. Think of the bomb as the knock
>limit. If it goes off, you've ignited the end gas as explained above: it
>explodes al at once. The fuse represents the parameters that control the
>knock limit(pressure, temperature and TIME). Your goal is to burn the
>mixture completely before the fuse reaches the bomb. Anything you do to
>increase pressure or temperature shortens the fuse, and the converse is
>true. Time is defintely a variable, which means that the knock limit is
>related to burn rate. Therefore, another approach is to outrun the fuse,
>which fast burn combustion chambers can do.

Explain yourself.  And where *have* you been??....

Mike Woodd
(wooddm at

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