Magnetic Flux effect on fuel charge
Tom Cloud
cloud at
Fri Apr 11 20:59:18 GMT 1997
[ snip ]
>I think it would take *considerable* energy to ionize the volume of air that
>a motor uses, and that energy has to come from somewhere... Your motor via
>the alternator. I don't think the few hundred watts available from an auto
>alt is gonna be near enough to ionize much air.
>Continuosly ionizing a few hundred CFM of air sounds like a big task.
>Nicola Tesla would have loved it...
>Ionizing stuff involves adding or subtracting electrons, and air can be
>ionized by passing high voltages through it, but I don't know if it can be
>done with magnetic fields... If so, it must take a bundle o'power.
>I don't think the air cares whether Your air horns are magnetized or not.
> Anyone out there know these things? I'd be curious, especially if anyone knows
>the math to calculate energy requirements to ionize, say 500cfm of air.
I already did ..... at least I pointed out the typical ways to ionize
air: radiation, r.f. energy, hi-joltage (and God uses waterfalls,
winds, solar flares, etc) as far as how much energy -- dunno.
It's obviously related to the degree of ionization (one, two, or
mor -- actually doubly ionized is about tops to expect) and then
what percentage of the air are you trying to ionize (ozone, while
not exactly ionized, is a very reactive configuration of oxy
and is created around hi-joltage or UV sources -- like EPROM
Ionized air is used in some air purifiers .... the cheaper ones
using Tritium gas (radioactive) to create ionized air and thus
neutralize the charge on dust particles causing them to
precipitate out of the air .... but this is not a high volume
operation, as you say.
> Also, I have no idea if ionizing the air and/or fuel has any effect on
nor do I -- the charge on the particles might force the
fuel to away from them (and maybe clump worse) or draw it
into them -- all sounds like FM to me -- actually snake oil
.... like I say, this is like the ridiculous claims made
by split fire about double, simultaneous sparks or by Jacobs
where he claims his unit can draw the metal sputtered off
the plug electrode back onto it ...... really !
>Somehow I think that if there was anything real to be gained from these
>schemes that the big 3 would have exploited it long ago.
precisely, my dear Watson ....
>Oh yeah, I heard that if You wind a coil around the top of the drivers skull
>and energize it with high power microwaves, that it gives the impression of
>high speed while standing still... Anyone?
there's is some evidence that says you can do that with
portable cell phones (no kidding)
Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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