GM ALDL interface

steve ravet steve at
Fri Dec 5 23:10:48 GMT 1997

Squash wrote:
> I don't want to sound stupid, but what is this ALDL interface?  Is this
> a monitoring system?  Please inform me a bit on this!
> --
> Andy Quaas

ALDL is found on GM cars.  It's a serial link that the CPU uses to
communicate with a diagnostic computer (aka scan tool), and other
systems in the car (dash computer, ABS computer, etc.).  There are at
least 2 flavors of ALDL, one is aobut 160 baud and the other is 8192
baud.  The second is a TTL level rs-232 signal, the first one is strange
and will not connect to a serial port.  A neat project would be to use a
PIC microcontroller to read the 160 baud stream, convert the data, and
send it out over a regular serial port.

there is a lot of ALDL info in the archives, search for it if you are

Steve Ravet
International Meta Systems
steve at

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