Fuel pump questions

Shannen Durphey shannen at mcn.net
Wed Dec 10 09:38:18 GMT 1997

Frederic Breitwieser wrote:

> >Then, someone says the fuel shouldn't drop into the tank .... have
> >I done something potentially dangerous ?    been running like this
> >for almost two years !!   could it be that it creates more in-tank
> >vapors ??  (doesn't sound right to me ??) .... or that it allows the
> The trickling down the filler neck can in some cases cause the fuel to be a
> little aerated, however I don't think it would be anywhere near enough to
> be noticable, consider the flow back (trickle) versus the flow to the fuel
> rail (much more).
> It would be fun to try and figure out some math, but as you said, works for
> 2 years without a hitch, that's scientific enough for me.  Most in-tank
> fuel pump systems have a return line, that drops off the top of the tank
> fitting about 1", so if your tank has less than 1" of fuel, its falling
> through air to reach the fuel level, wherever that is.  So, I don't think
> running down the neck is a real problem at all.
> Frederic Breitwieser
> Homebrew Automotive Mailing List
> Bridgeport, CT 06606
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/4605/index.html
> (Portable Webserver Link Address)
> 1989 AG Hummer 4-Door
> 1993 Supercharged Lincoln Continental
> 2000 Mid-Engine Sports Car <smile>
> ---

  GM runs the return line parallel to the feed line and ends one where the
other begins. They don't seem to like to allow the fuel to stir up too much,


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