efi fuel tank baffle

mcosta at netsynergy.com mcosta at netsynergy.com
Mon Jun 2 16:57:03 GMT 1997


        A friend of mine who fuel injected his 67 mustang, ran into the same 
question.  What he ended up doing was creating a right triangle shaped sump and 
used that to collect fuel and minimize slosh.  i believe it was about 3-4 inches
deep and about 8-10 inches long. I'm not sure what less he did internally to the
tank but I hope this at least gives you some food for thought.

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Subject: efi fuel tank baffle
Author:  diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu at INTERNET
Date:    6/2/97 12:45 PM

First, please don't turn this thread into a discussion on how you 
should or should not weld to a gas tank...
I have a 22 gal stainless steal "regular" gas tank. I intend to add a 
few internal baffle plates to reduce the amount fuel slosh as the tank 
nears empty. I would like some comments and suggestion as to what 
might work best (geometry, orientation, sizes....). Thanks.
                                       John S Gwynne
                                          Gwynne.1 at osu.edu
               T h e   O h i o - S t a t e   U n i v e r s i t y
    ElectroScience Laboratory, 1320 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA
                Telephone: (614) 292-7981 * Fax: (614) 292-7297

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