Lean mixture on 1-2 shift

Mark Eidson mark.eidson at tempe.vlsi.com
Wed Mar 5 18:30:09 GMT 1997

The fuel pressure is normal, 15 psi, for this system.  This seems to only
occur as the engine is warming up after going closed loop at 70C.  My theory
is the closed loop operation takes out the warm up enrichment. There is no
way that I can find to delay the on set of closed loop operation until the
engine reaches operating temperature.  It must be hard coded.  I have just
tried stopping warmup enrichment, a table driven operation, at 70C and hope
that the closed loop operation will add in the required fuel.  The closed
loop is to slow to compensate the other way around.  me

At 08:53 PM 3/4/97 -0500, you wrote:
>What is the fuel pressure?
* Mark Eidson                        Voice: (602)752-6513                 *
*                                      Fax: (602)752-6000                 *
* Manager System Integration and      Home: (602)831-6079                 *
*   Verification                    E-Mail:  mark.eidson at tempe.vlsi.com   *
* VLSI Technology, Inc.                                                   *
* 8375 South River Parkway                                                *
* M/S 265                                                                 *
* Tempe, Arizona     85284                                                *

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