morganti at inetnow.com
Sat Mar 22 22:51:00 GMT 1997
> >
> > After poking around in the DIY and EFI332 pages, I have a few
> > questions. My original thoughts were a very simple system based
> > around an 8051 controller. The EFI332 motherboard seems to be much
> > more sophisticated. Is the 8051 not powerful enough? Is the EFI332
> > the first full system to be put together by members? Is there an FAQ
> > that I should read to answer all these annoying questions?
> >
> > I look forward to dealing with you.
> >
> > Todd.
> Hey Todd,
> Sounds like fun... I'm also planning to EFI my motorcycle (FJ1100). I'm
> currtently torn between the Microchip PIC16C74 and the Motorola 68HC11A8
> for processing. The Microchip seems easy to get (read digikey). You can
> get a functional demo board, programmer, and software for about $170. I
> haven't found a source for the HC11 stuff yet (eval. board etc.), so I
> don't know pricing. The PIC seems like a good deal, though.
> Have you thought about throttle bodies yet?
> Carl
Just a note............
Hello and welcome. I too am building an EFI for my motorcycle. It is a
1983 FXRS Harley. Most of all of the aftermarket systems as of now (for
Harleys) are throtle bodies. They use the spark signal to sync the
injectors and use a minimum of sensors for control. (tps,barometer,air
temp) I was wondering if you were looking for a more involved control
system or basic EFI. I would be interested in discussing any ideas you
might develope as far as control.
good luck with your project.
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