ALDL Interface
moh at
Fri May 30 00:39:47 GMT 1997
At 12:08 AM 5/22/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi All
>Seems I made a tiny error in my schematic and omitted one
>of the base resistors.
>Here is the corrected one.
>Ps i will post the c code for the comm prog in a bit
>Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\ECMCOM.S01
Hi, I've been watching this list for some time now and early on I saw a
schematic for a pc to ALDL interface but my printer was down and so I
figured I could always get it back. Well I'm not able to find it. Then I
read your message about your interface and Hooray!! Me thinks "Here we go".
However I can't seem to find any source for the Tango schematic converting
software. I did find something called Tango at which
I beleive is a sort of super universal converter. Is this what I'm after?
Please help. Thank you for your time and keep on coming with the work you've
been doing. It sure will save me steps when I do get my interface going.
Mark O'Hara
moh at
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