Flow Bench?

mfield at fia.net mfield at fia.net
Fri Nov 21 03:59:46 GMT 1997

** Reply to note from garfield at pilgrimhouse.com (Garfield) Wed, 19 Nov 1997 22:11:00 -0800
> On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 23:10:15 -0600, "Joe Chiasson"
> <chiasson at hutchtel.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> 
> >> Hmmm, if that's the same thing as "stoddard solvent", then it's NAPTHA!
> >> You must be thinking of sumpthin else, eh?
> >> 
> >> Garfield
> >
> >stoddard solvent it is, test injectors pumps whatever you want,  not sure
> >what SAE stadard it is, stoddard solvent has the same viscosity as gasoline
> >with a lower vapour pressure, ideal,
> But, but.... I thought naptha was nicely flammable!? Is it not so? I
> distinctly remember seeing "injector flow test fluid" somewheres, but if
> it's JUST naptha, I sure don't wanna pay an armNleg for just a "specially
> marked box". Heh.
> If naptha will do, and is noticeably less flammable and safer than
> gazoleen, then hey, I'll go with it. It SURE is real easy to find at Home
> Despot.
> Garfield
Naptha, most commonly found in wick type cigarette lighters. Somewhat
higher density than pump gasoline. This would not be a sutable substitute
for a flow bench. VERY FLAMMABLE!!! (I speak from personel experience) :)

If you'd like, I can ask some of my process service engineer buddies at
some of the local refineries that I work at, for a material that would be
more sutable for a flow bench test.  

Also, There are some handy-dandy books that lists most chemicals and all
their properties. You might be able to find this at the library. The
particular book that I have is simply called "SAX", but there are others

Have Fun.....

Mark Field
mfield at fia.net

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