o2 meter

Frederic Breitwieser frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com
Fri Oct 24 14:31:50 GMT 1997

>on the testbench. There was a note in the instructions that I should
>ground it only at the o2 sensor. What is the best way to ground it
>there? Do I attempt to solder a lead right onto the sensor? Probably not
>since the solder would just melt... Should I try to get one of those

Depending on your sensor, you probably have more than one wire coming out,
one of them will be a ground.  If not, the ground to the meter should go
with the other grounds on the engine block, by the alternator.  This is
what I had to do out of laziness of tracing wires back, and it worked fine.
 My guage might be off a hair, but it still gives me a good understanding
of rich/lean condidtions.

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