why rich is better for power

Terry Martin terry_martin at mindlink.bc.ca
Sun Sep 7 20:49:56 GMT 1997

talltom at espace.dcl.com wrote:
>> Terry wrote:
>> However, to deliberately ignore such relationships is not ignorance, but stupidity...
> Some of your assumptions are far from accepted by others, and I'd suggest
> that you keep your synergy in your own yard. Making grandiose assumptions based on pseudo science and > attemptiog to force the results of your theroy's on others can have a much greater effect on your ability to > go anywhere
> than your purported problem. As far as being dead more quickly or not,
> I'd suggest you look at Isreal, they believed they could tear people's
> property down because of no permit, and the death rate has been pretty high lately...

Yes, but are they using EFI on SCUD's?


(Does anyone else wonder what the hell the above was all about? Sounds
like somebody's pissed at Jews.)

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