? for you guys

Seth Bibler chameleo at europa.com
Tue Sep 23 00:52:16 GMT 1997

On Sunday, September 14, 1997 11:57 AM, Seth [SMTP:n9540517 at cc.wwu.edu] 
> On Sat, 13 Sep 1997, Dave Stinar wrote:
> > Ok, here it goes, Ive been on the list for way to long. I just havent 
> > the time really consider doing a project, but a few things have come up 
> > which I problaby could shave off a lot of junkyard time and money.
> >
> > My wifes cavaler just blew a rod and the car is not worth fixing (thats 
> > we now have a 1997 geo metro) and my lebaron is problaby not far 
> > the computers and the electrics are all in good order its just the
> > engines/bodys that are shot.
> >
> > Now just a couple of months ago my rx7 had the thermostat froze closed 
> > the needel on the temp peged itself at the top, now the rear rotor is 
> > (I think) no mater what I need to take the engine out and disasemble 
> > What my thought was could I in any way that does not require me to go 
> > do to much reprograming on eather of thoses systems from the cavaler or
> > lebaron alow me to retrofit them to my rx-7's wankel engine.
> >
> > I have considered getting a efi system from a junked rx-7 but the only 
> > around here are the old 78-85 models, non have efi units on them.
> >
> > The cavaler has a tbi system and the lebaron has a multi port fi 
system. I
> > can see good and bad in using both systems.
> >
> > cavaler= 4cyl-tbi-2.0L
> > lebaron=4cyl-mpfi-2.2L
> > rx-7=2 rotor/6cyl-carb-1.1L
> >
> > Any advice I can get would be great, thanx in advance.
> > dave s
> >
> >
> > '70 vw bug
> > '76 cj5 jeep
> > '78 handa 550-4
> > '82 rx7 gsl  (my baby)
> > '85 chevy cavaler
> > '85 lebaron turbo
> > 97 geo metro
> >
> The 1985 rx-7 GSL-SE has efi, and it isn't bad, but it's for a 13B, not a 
> 12A.
> Should work, though, if a bit rich
> Seth Allen

The GSL-SE had a very touchy EFI system.  I have seen/heard many 
promlems/complaints when using this system.  I would not bother with a 12A 
engine.  If you want to go EFI get a wrecked 2nd gen car, preferably a '89 
- '91 (lighter rotors = more economy and power), and take the whole engine. 
 I am doing this in my '85 GSL with an engine from a '91 turbo2.  You only 
need the oil pan, front cover, and crossmembers from a GSL-SE to make the 
engine fit.  Be sure to use a high pressure fuel pump too (EFI wont work 
w/o it).  As I am using a turbo engine in a 1st gen car I will need to 
custom manufacture a whole exhaust.  You might be able to use the header 
off of a GSL-SE.  I am not sure on that one, ask the RX-7 list.

Good Luck,

Seth Bibler
chameleo at europa.com

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