Supercharger info

Walter Petermann corsaro at
Tue Aug 11 11:04:18 GMT 1998

Dan Zorde wrote:
> '71 I think, fiberglass and perspex Fiat 850 sport.  The 555 setup will
> probably be along the lines of what you have come up with although I thought of
> using a MAF instead of the MAP, altitude won't be a problem as everything in
> this end of the world is flat as.  Intention is to look at a Ford MAF (think
> this was the one that was voltage output) and use this in combination with air
> and water temp to run the 555 (as its purely a race car O2 won't be needed).
>  By using the MAF and knowing exactly how much air goes into the engine, do you
> still need MAP ?  Can you see any pitfalls in this ?
> Dan     dzorde at
I spent some time looking up info on maps today trying to find out 
altitude effects on maps. Found this great thread in the archives:

MAP map or MAF map

The simplest diy fi would seem to be MAF based. MAF source: 5L Ford 
Mustang (Mitsubishi MAF). No need for a map sensor. Possibly not
even any need for RPM input since you don't care about VE (you have
direct measurement of air being used). MAF even comes with built in
air temp sensor which you probably don't have to worry about either!
I don't think there's any external connections to it. 
The only trick is that (I read this somewhere) a second after shut-down
there should be 1v applied to the hot wire (~2ohms), for 1 second, to burn 
off the dirt. But hey, that's what carb cleaner is for.


PS I'll add an engine temp input to the 555 circuit. Maybe see if I
   can find some more info on the Ford MAF. I just realized today
   that my fi book is a bit dated (85). Time for an update.

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