CDI powerfull multi-spark

Ronald T. Webb rwebb at
Thu Dec 10 23:03:54 GMT 1998

In the archives, there is a project to "reverse engineer" a MSI ignition
box. As I remember, each spark had about 130 MILLIJOULES. A Joule is a
watt*second. so each spark contains the energy equivilant of about 1/10
watt for 1 ain't gonna melt much with that!

Not the first time an "old wives (or mechanics) tale" didn't hold water!

Michael Farrugia wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have put a CDI which gives a fairly powerful multi-spark on a 2 litre
> Ford pinto engine.  This engine is tuned to go up to 8500 RPM.
> However after some runs the engine broke.  When we opend the engine up
> we found that on piston was melted.  A friend of mine told me that a
> powerfull spark may be the cause.  Has anyone encountered such a
> situation and how can it be rectified.
> Thanks in advance
> Michael
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