Torque Converter Lock-Ups
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at
Tue Dec 29 17:39:24 GMT 1998
I have a carburetor 305 in a 83 chev and the TCC locks up using a
combination of the brake switch and vacumn switch connected to the EGR
port. When the vacumn rises above the cut in point the switch closes. I
believe that GM would consider MAP & TPS in deciding the lockup point.
From: Bruce Plecan[SMTP:nacelp at]
Sent: December 23, 1998 11:50 AM
To: diy_efi at
Subject: Re: Torque Converter Lock-Ups
-----Original Message-----
From: kv at <kv at>
To: diy_efi at <diy_efi at>
Subject: Re: Torque Converter Lock-Ups
There are no iron clad strategies, for TCC. What some one says is usually
about their experience. In the gm calibrations, there is sometimes a
mandatory lock up speed, reguardless of TPS, but (and off hand I can't
of an exception) there
is usually a TPS disable in the gm calibrations, at less than that speed.
Most all if not every gm uses a brake switch as a fail safe so that the
won't engage, at a stop, and launch a car into an intersection. The are
other reasons, but the lawsuits of a TCC failure, and not having a brake
switch cut out would scare even gm, IMHO
>SO is the TCC lockup/unlock based only on MPH and the brake switch? No
info on load is used??
> Kevin Vannorsdel IBM Arm Electronics Development
> 408-256-6492 Tie 276-6492 kv at
>"Bellsouth" <n5xmt at> on 12/23/98 09:16:30 AM
>Please respond to diy_efi at
>To: diy_efi at
>cc: (bcc: Kevin Vannorsdel/San Jose/IBM)
>Subject: Re: Torque Converter Lock-Ups
>There is a solenoid in the trans that controls lockup, and a valve in the
>valve body that inhibits it until 2nd gear.
>Grounding pin F of your ALDL connector will hold the TCC locked in 2nd,
>and OD. (Unless you step on the brakes...)
>Not sure exactly where it is in your chip, but there should be an apply
>for 2nd, 3rd and OD (usually different for each gear) and a disengage MPH
>also. The early 700R4 and 4L60's had the engage/disengage too close
>together so the TCC would cycle on/off quickly and burn up the trans.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Roger Heflin <rah at>
>To: diy_efi at <diy_efi at>
>Date: Friday, November 13, 1998 11:22 AM
>Subject: Re: Torque Converter Lock-Ups
>>I have a 93 Z28. I know there is a way for the computer to request
>>lockup. The lockup characteristics seem to be:
>>low throttle: 50mph+ in high gear.
>>wot: 95+mph in 3rd gear (about 4300 rpm)
>>My car at least (with a big cam) has difficulties with the low
>>throttle lockup. I am currently disassembling the prom, and
>>hopefully can find where it controls things. It looks like I need to
>>raise the low throttle part to about 60-65.
>>Also there is a electronic control to lockup things and it can be
>>manaully controlled with some aftermakert parts. I was thinking that
>>In cases where the car computer cannnot control things someone could
>>rig a circuit to detect some various car parameters and decide when to
>>force a lockup.
>>Note that my car has a 4L60 tranny (basically a 700R4) and this is the
>>non-electronic tranny, the 94 f-bodies was when they started using
>>4l60E's, so all of my tranny is under mechanical control except for
>>the torque convertor.
>> Roger
>> On Thu, 12 Nov 1998 martin at
>>> I would like to raise the subject Auto Transmission Torque Converter
>>> Lock-Ups and Electronic Control..
>>> Does anybody know if there are any TCs with Lock-Up operating under
>>> electronic control in tune with the auto-box.
>>> Most TCs seem to me to Lock-Up purely mechanically determined by
>>> speed and load. (are these the only parameters and are they the
>>> correct ones ?).
>>> Are mechanical based Lock-Ups adjustable in any way...or must the
>>> whole TC be replaced ? Similarly if there are any under elctronic
>>> control are they alterable....what electronic control device is used ?
>>> I believe that TC lock-Up is a relatively recent thing and was
>>> not present in the Borg-Warner Type 35 & 65 implementations of the
>>> late 60s and 70s. I first remember it being mentioned in Europe in
>>> some small Ford Autos of the early 1980s...but has now found its way
>>> into most Auto setups.
>>> Martin
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> martin at
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
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