Holley 4Di Download File Format

Raymond C Drouillard cosmic.ray at juno.com
Wed Dec 30 05:06:58 GMT 1998

I looked at one, but your guess is as good as mine.  Call up Holley. 
They were cooperative when I talked to them.  I asked them how to read
the data coming from the RS232 line so that I could write a data
acquisition program, and they emailed a copy of their data acquisition
program.  That saved me the time I would have spent writing it.

I looked at one and it seems to a whole bunch of hex values separated by
spaces.  There are also some strange characters in it.

If you can't get the info, you might want to set a map to all zeros and
look at the result.  Then, start entering values and note the change in
the .M16 file.


On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 12:37:20 -0800 "Eidson, Mark" <mark.eidson at intel.com>
>No.  I'm talking about the eev21 download file that programs the ECU.  
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cosmic.ray at juno.com [mailto:cosmic.ray at juno.com]
>Sent: Monday, December 28, 1998 8:13 PM
>To: diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Re: Holley 4Di Download File Format
>On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 08:29:02 -0800 "Eidson, Mark" 
><mark.eidson at intel.com>
>>Does anyone know what functions are in the different fields of the
>>4Di download file.  Some of the parameters that are not accessible 
>>mapping software provided I would like to modify using a text editor.
>Are you talking about the HONDO file?  The file can be exported as a
>comma delimited file.  Here's a sample of the first few records. 
>Unfortunately, it wrapped when I pasted it into the editer.  I know 
>os in some of the fields.  Any speculations about the rest are 
>RECORD               Record number
>HOUR,MINUTE,SECOND   Hours, Minutes, Seconds according to computer 
>MAP       Manifold Absolute Pressure
>THROT     Throttle angle (30 degrees is closed)
>AIR øF    Air Temperature, degrees F
>ENG øF    Coolant Temperature, degrees F
>RPM       RPM
>FUEL F    Final Fuel (units)
>OXY COR   O2 Correction (percent)
>MODE      Mode ???
>DESIRD    Desired Idle (static)
>NEUTRAL   Neutral ???
>KNOCK     Knock Retard (not used on my vehicle)
>SA        Spark Advance (not used on my vehicle YET)
>OXY       O2 voltage (*100)
>VOLT      Battery voltage
>RMLIM     Rev Limiter setting (static)
>INJDUR    Injecter Duration (microseconds)
>RMDUR     RM Duration ???  Duration offset ???
>ACC       Accellerater Compensation
>MAPNAME   Name of fuel map used in ECU (static)
>PROGNAME  Name of program ??? (I don't recall entering any program)
>OILPRES   Oil pressure switch (limits RPM to 2000 when high)
>RIGNTYP   Ignition Type (Ford or GM) 
>IDLPOS    Idle Position (Units)  -- What is this?
>ONTIME    On Time Enrichment  -- What is this?
>SPACE    Space key (used to mark events)
>ECU-SER  Serial number of ECU
>PRG-SER  Serial number of ROM
>      1, 19, 14,  9,  56,  38,  64, 189,  1585,  78, -22,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  89, 14.5,  5100,  3055,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      2, 19, 14,  9,  57,  38,  64, 189,  1602,  81, -23,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.9,  82, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      3, 19, 14,  9,  57,  38,  64, 189,  1569,  78, -24,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  86, 14.5,  5100,  3007,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      4, 19, 14,  9,  58,  38,  64, 189,  1602,  80, -24,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  72, 14.5,  5100,  3055,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      5, 19, 14,  9,  58,  38,  64, 189,  1587,  79, -25,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  65, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      6, 19, 14,  9,  58,  38,  64, 189,  1587,  79, -25,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  75, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      7, 19, 14, 10,  59,  38,  64, 189,  1584,  78, -26,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  40, 14.5,  5100,  3080,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      8, 19, 14, 10,  59,  38,  64, 189,  1580,  83, -23,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,  73, 14.5,  5100,  3055,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>      9, 19, 14, 10,  60,  38,  64, 189,  1573,  83, -23,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.9,   6, 14.5,  5100,  3080,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
>     10, 19, 14, 10,  59,  38,  64, 189,  1550,  83, -23,   4,  750,   
> 0.0, 16.2,   5, 14.5,  5100,  3031,  80,   0,try011  ,TESTHP03, 
>,----,  200,    0,    0,----,201464,73H 1082
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