EGOR -> UEGO [long drivel]

rotary at rotary at
Mon Jul 13 05:05:20 GMT 1998

Hey Bruce, et al,

>What a cheap shot from someone with no interest to support the
>  It's this type of attitude IMHO that just sucks the life out of projects.
>If your gonna lurk fine, but, don't go out of your way to be rude, when
>you do type, asking for help.
>  I think you owe the "guy" an apology, and just so you don't feel alone,
>several others also owe him an apology, IMHO.
>  Sincerely

Please help me understand at which point in my original post I took a "cheap
shot?"  Was it in the honest, and OBVIOUSLY self-deprecating manner in which I
called myself a "parasitic lurker" with regards to my participation on this list
Or perhaps you inferred an unfair comment when I called myself an "Information
Check-valve."   If your contention with my post is related to the fact that I
stated that EGOR "appears that it has died on the proverbial development vine,"
please help me understand how else someone (ie DIY_EFI subscriber) is supposed
interpret the lack of (subscriber accessable) progress on the project over the
last month to month and a half.

My intention was not to attack ANYONE, for I learned a long time ago that the
childhood adage, "sticks and stone...," does not relinquish it's truth upon
adulthood.  Personal attacks are constructive only in propagating the continued
inadequacies of the attacker. Additionally, under what dynamic did my post "suck
the life," out of the project?  Was it the fact that I had the arrogance to
imply its perceive demise?  Or perhaps it was just my "negative vibes" which
brought an otherwise adament creation to it's knees.

Let me stated for the record, that I GREATLY appreciate the level of technical
expertise that the members of this list bring to this forum.  I certainly
respect and regard "the Guy" (in your words), Frank P., Frederic B, and even you
for the valueable technical contributions to this list.  Coming from a much less
technical background, I often am awed by the talents of many on this list.  But
I certainly will not stand (or sit as the case may be)-by while some
self-appointed false prohet of the Internet proclaims edict of the righteousness
(In His Humble Opinion) with regards to who among the collective (List) flock is
worthy of annointment (apologies), and who are to be excommunicated.  Perhaps it
is this type of "support" which quells the interest of the less active members
of the list.  Ever heard of "benefit of the doubt?"

To the rest of the List, I apologize for the diatribe; I couldn't send it
privately for lack of an address. I challenge anybody with my name on their
napalm ordance to target me privately at (rotary at thereby keeping
it off the List.  My Aramid suit is one, and the Halon systems are enregized...

This is my last post this subject

Flyin and Racin Rotary Beasts,
Carlos "Julio" Iglesias (
RX-7 Club of Florida (

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