EGOR Status (well, not really, but the questions were also a ruse)
garfield at
garfield at
Wed Jul 15 03:09:07 GMT 1998
Well, well, I take a week's break from the bullshit, and another week
away at a eXperimental Aviation Airshow, and I return to find this
thread on EGOR:
[parasitic rotary lurker unburdens himself...]
>From: rotary at
>Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 23:20:48 -0400
>Subject: EGOR -> UEGO
>As a parasitic lurker, I had been waiting to see if EGOR would come to fruition,
>but it now appears that it has died on the proverbial development vine.
[Then Dr. Pelican responds ...]
>From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
>Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 00:54:19 -0400
>Subject: Re: EGOR -> UEGO
>What a cheap shot from someone with no interest to support the list.
>It's this type of attitude IMHO that just sucks the life out of projects.
>If your gonna lurk fine, but, don't go out of your way to be rude, when
>you do type, asking for help.
> I think you owe the "guy" an apology, and just so you don't feel alone,
>several others also owe him an apology, IMHO.
[then RPL objects to being "terribly misunderstood" ...]
>From: rotary at
>Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 01:05:09 -0400
>Subject: Re: EGOR -> UEGO
>Hey Bruce, et al,
>Please help me understand at which point in my original post I took a "cheap
>If your contention with my post is related to the fact that I
>stated that EGOR "appears that it has died on the proverbial development vine,"
>please help me understand how else someone (ie DIY_EFI subscriber) is supposed
>interpret the lack of (subscriber accessable) progress on the project over the
>last month to month and a half.
>under what dynamic did my post "suck
>the life," out of the project? Was it the fact that I had the arrogance to
>imply its perceive demise?
>I certainly will not stand (or sit as the case may be)-by while some
>self-appointed false prohet of the Internet proclaims edict of the righteousness
>(In His Humble Opinion) with regards to who among the collective (List) flock is
>worthy of annointment (apologies), and who are to be excommunicated. Perhaps it
>is this type of "support" which quells the interest of the less active members
>of the list.
[then the Gorkowski comes to his indignant aid, with the usual
'disinterested party' spin, by sending this PRIVATE email to Frank
Parker, me partner in this effort, instead of asking ME what the status
of the project is ... ]
>From: Steve Gorkowski <kb4mxo at>
>Subject: Re: EGOR -> UEGO
>I have not seen posts of Egor progress either and hope someone picks up the
>ball or at least gives updates on this site. If it is being done off this site
>with a select few that is ok just tell the group .
[then poor Frank responds to the seemingly urgent/factfinding question ]
>From: Frank F Parker <fparker at>
>Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 23:15:41 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Re: EGOR -> UEGO
>> I have not seen posts of Egor progress either and hope someone picks up the
>> ball or at least gives updates on this site. If it is being done off this site
>> with a select few that is ok just tell the group . As far as where you can find
>> information on commercial units look in the Archives and you will find every
>> thing on prices and how they work.
>> Steve
>I did the preliminary testing on EGOR concepts and have talked to Gar
>many times about its development. He wants to get it right and our latest
>concern was the note in the SAE paper about the 3% chg with 0.1 atm
>pressure change. That was of a concern for those of us with turbo cars,
>tho the error is to say lean, but be rich- thus the correct way for the
>error as to not melt a motor down.
>I am just starting to tune in my V8 S10 with DFI and I put 2 O2 ports
>on it just so I could do comparisons of EGOR to NTK to Bailey etc.
>Gar is going to send prototype to me for that testing asap. That said
>I have not heard from him in awhile but I did tell him that I would
>probably be ready about July 14th and that is nearby.
>So be patient. I have not heard anything from him that would suggest
>the project is dead.
>frank parker
>PS: If anyone has experience in tuning a DFI, I have a few "operator"
>questions about setting timing, etc etc
[then finally this from Steve Gork one of the self-appointed DIY
ombudsmen, who ALWAYS speak for the entire group whenever he speaks (oh
yah), seemingly thanking Frank for quelling this ground-swell of
misunderstanding (har de har har) about EGOR]
>From: Steve Gorkowski <kb4mxo at>
>Subject: Re: EGOR -> UEGO thanks
>Thanks frank hopefully this will help reduce egor questions.
The first guy doesn't see anything in 2 wks so declared the project
"died on the proverbial vine", and when Bruce calls him on this, he
first says, "Oh sir, was it my PRESUMPTION or my STUPIDITY that
offendeth thee?", and finishes off by suggesting that Bruce's estute
reading of his stupid "challenge" of "I think it's dead; prove me wrong"
post somehow renders Bruce the haughty one. NOT.
Then, not to leave any stone unturned, Steve the Gork sends off a
plaintive missive to Frank saying, "Gee, I too haven't heard anything
lately". And then GENEROUSLY gives Frank permission to carry on the
investigation "off list" with this
>If it is being done off this site with a select few that is ok just tell the group
As if Frank or anyone else needed permission from this asshole or anyone
ELSE on this group to do as they pleased with their own work. Gee, we're
SOOOO thankful that "if it's being done offlist with a select few,
that's OK", but will have to demure on the ORDER to "just tell the
group". Nobody's gonna tell YOU shit, dude.
Frank, always the kindly gentleman, tells what he knows, and this Gork
Dork has the gall and audacity to magesterially thank him for "helping
reduce egor questions", as if this was a problem in the first place.
Now, it's REALLY not surprising that Gork the Dork would email Frank
instead of me, cuz I had told the guy not to darken my inbox ever again,
ever since he decided he WAS the group, and shot a few rounds across my
bow about my prohibition of commercial exploitation of EGOR being "two
I'll just say this about the thread above. I find the Parasite's
technique standard fair for college preppy (oh god, there's that
'archaic' term again, fer shame) boys who think that taunting the guys
that know the answer with "I don't think you know shit; prove you do by
giving me a copy of your homework answers", as pretty standard fare for
this junk mail list.
And Steve Gorkowski's emailing Frank directly about the project as a
fishing expedition to find out if Frank has the goods yet, that I
publically said I would be sending him, and if so, maybe he can talk
Frank into giving this creep a copy of the circuit, which he ISN'T EVER
gonna get any other way.
So my summary comments are:
To Bruce, and the other good guys on the list: don't waste yer breathe;
you're gonna find that the more you offer to give these smarmy lil
schoolboys, the more they're gonna say you owe them, just cuz you're so
Which includes the To Frank: it's been eXcellent working with you on the
EGOR project; too bad you haven't a better venue where your level of
respect and collaboration could be returned to you in measure.
To the Parasite: nice try, especially on the righteous indignation part
that suggested you were insinuating anything untoward by declaring the
project dead after only a 2 week silence. Hee.
To Gork the Dork: you ain't every gonna touch any of MY goods dude, so
you might as well go lookin for some more willing tit to suck on, cuz it
ain't me, Dork.
To the rest of you pukes on the list: Hasta la vista, baby. Hee hee. If
you want an EGOR or an ION, go fish. I guarantee you that no matter how
many free copies I give to the good guys on this list, no matter how
hard you try, you'll NEVER get a copy, or even be able to STEAL a copy
from any of them. Technology provides all the protection I need. Heh.
Consider THAT a challenge, dweebs.
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