Fw: Burners Erasers Late breaking news

Drew Skinner drews at texas.net
Wed Jul 15 03:41:10 GMT 1998

At 06:53 PM 7/14/98 -0400, you wrote:

>>Is there a machine that both erases and burns PROMs?
>If there is I haven't seen it.  One is like 100, and the other 40, so 
>personnally I rather have one fail and replace cheap rather than
>have to buy a whole new unit at even a 140.

Ah. simple enuff. :)

>If your talking about the 24 pin prom in the black holder for like in a
>1227747 there is/was some recent talk about another group buy,
>If talking about a memcal with the 28 pin, and under a long blue
>cover the memcal is gm only
<sigh> yep that's me (165 ecm).  Been wading through all the programming
101 stuff and I was wondering if any of the info is applicable to the 165
PROMs. Also does anbody happen to have a .bin for this PROM that I could
mess around with? I couldn't find one in ftp. FWIW, it's a 5.7L Camaro



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