Fw: Burners Erasers Late breaking news

Roger Heflin rah at horizon.hit.net
Wed Jul 15 03:59:15 GMT 1998

> >If your talking about the 24 pin prom in the black holder for like in a
> >1227747 there is/was some recent talk about another group buy,
> >If talking about a memcal with the 28 pin, and under a long blue
> >cover the memcal is gm only
>             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> <sigh> yep that's me (165 ecm).  Been wading through all the programming
> 101 stuff and I was wondering if any of the info is applicable to the 165
> PROMs. Also does anbody happen to have a .bin for this PROM that I could
> mess around with? I couldn't find one in ftp. FWIW, it's a 5.7L Camaro

If you had seen an eraser you would know why they are different devices.
Eproms are erased by using UV light, so the eraser is a UV light of the
proper frequency and a timer to properly erase the eprom.

On other notes, most (all?) of the custom tuners seem to start with
the prom you are running in the car right now.  There are several
numbers on the prom in your car, and with one of those numbers your
can get a copy of your original prom from GM for about $40.  I am 
going to have to do that since mine has been reprogrammed and is 
not exactly the original and I want to be able to see how much
was done on my custom chip.  I have a pretty good idea of what
stuff was  changed, and it could use a bit of fine tuning.  

What year of 5.7L camaro is it?  I have a 93 Z28 (350/5.7L LT1)


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