
xxalexx at xxalexx at
Wed Jun 10 16:13:18 GMT 1998

> Date:          Mon, 08 Jun 1998 17:27:07 -0500
> From:          Walter Petermann <corsaro at>
> To:            diy_efi at
> Subject:       Re: GreyMarket
> Reply-to:      diy_efi at

> Hi Bruce,
> > Have you given thought to the Egor to oem style O2 interface?.
> at the risk of getting my head bitten off by Gar, I have to
> admit that
> I have no idea what EGOR is. From a few trailing notes I
> have a mental picture of a fire belching piece of stovepipe
> ... oops,time to put on the bullet proof cone shaped hat :).
> I joined the group at the ION stage. 
> > The boxes I used were first Johnson then Nuetronics
> > and some G.Fenn boxes.
> > 
> > Where would one find out about these ecm's
> > 
>   DC Johnon is long gone, Gordon last I heard was designing
> some
>   new type of refrigeraror..somewhere far away.
I am sure it is cold.
Gordon was project engineer on RollsRoyce aero turbine and then
Chrysler auto turbine. Also designed a ultimate production flow
bench for Carter Carb about a 100 benches in a pressure, temperature,
humidity controlled air locked room.  In the 70's flow benches
used about 20 highly polished critical flow orifice venturies,
water manometers about 5 feet long and a mercury sealed chamber.
All flow boxes connected to one huge constant vacuum pumping system. 

>   Neutronics is still in business. I don't have their number
> but call

>   Wallace Labs 713 956 7705 and ask for Les. He is still in
> the 
>   business.

Nuetronics  have a web page, also Popular Electronics or Electronics 
Now did a article about a 2 year ago on there new system for 
converting carb. cars for O2 sensor and catalyst. Used in CA. and 3rd 
world. Another system made by someone else for 3rd world used engine 
misfire rpm sensor to lean engine until started missing. 

>   PS I still cringe when I hear them elevated to the status
> of 'ecms'     they are all junk! 'I pity the car' as Mr T
> would say. I had info on    most of them, but I threw
> everything away including my own stuff.  
> >  I am now building boxes for German G-Cat market.
> > 
> > Your own entire ecm?.  Pray tell details, please.
>   I have been out of the business for a long time.Could you
> explain
>   the G-Cat system?

All the german cars they sent over here now have to be converted over 

>   The only one of my systems that was worth telling about
> was the
>   L-Jet controller. I integrated the wiper signal. The
> output
>   was the actual wiper signal plus a correction (+/- 5%
> max).
>   It had a small pcb relay that bypassed the box if the
> difference
>   between input and output was greater than 5%.   
>    Walt
> PS The formatting on this note will probably get messed up.
> Does anyone know how to stop this from happening?

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