Checksum question

Ian Jones ian at
Mon Jun 22 13:22:03 GMT 1998

>Why when using 3 different editors do I get 3 different checksums? I am
>using GME, Hex Workshop, and Needham's PB-10 Software? All the same bin
>file, have I got the settings wrong? must have, can anyone shed any
>light on this for me? thanks Jason Weir

I believe the Needham software produces different checksums depending on the
device selected. If you ensure an 8 bit EPROM is selected of the correct
size then the checksum generated should match the Checksum - 16 with Hex
Workshop ( when in hex mode and 1 and 2's compliment turned off ). If you
zero the first 6 bytes in Hex workshop then the checksum generated should
match GME.


Ian Jones

Cobi Electronics  - Electronic design consultants for automotive chip
ian at

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