PIC PIC 101c (programmer & compiler)

xxalexx at ix.netcom.com xxalexx at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jun 26 13:31:42 GMT 1998

#1 CCS C compiler PCM
You will recieve a 3.5" disk and ref. manual
exit windows and run install.exe
A directory will be made with pcm.exe in it  and a sub 
dir.  examples Also helpful to make a directory for your projects
The compiler will need to use the include files in examples directory
so helpful to add the examples directory  and directory(picc is 
defaualt) were pcm.exe is to your path in autoexec.bat file 
then reboot computer or run autoexec.bat

The parallax PIC 16Cxx programmer.
Chapt. 2 of of the Parallax development tools manual
covers the programmer use and installation.
You will receive a 3.5" disk. The only program you
need is spep.exe in directory pic16cxx.
This is a 8kb ready to run MSDOS program.
Make a dir. and copy it.

Since the Parallax programmer  uses the printer port for programming 
it is best to exit windows and run the programmer and compiler 
straight from MSDOS.
Type in pcm to run compilier.
Select  menu options-program commands and enter the complete path 
were spep.exe is located (example c:\parallax\spep.exe)
Select menu  options- file formats make sure that object file is
set to 8 bit hex.  the extension can be "obj"  
To verify operation
select menu file-open and select example file ex_sqw.c  
press compile. If succussfull a object file will be created,
you can view the assembly code in menu info.
press menu program this will run parallax programmer  

At top left of screen will be all the PIC devices.
Make selection by pressing 'd' key untill your device (16f84)
is highlighted. Other selections or made same way.
press 'l' to load your object file which while have same name
as your program (ex_sqw) the 8 bit hex file will be displayed. 

If you have any problems check your autoexec.bat file
or move all programs and files  you are using to same dir.

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