pining,twin plugging,etc...

Carl Summers InTech at
Tue Mar 10 06:27:09 GMT 1998

Bruce Plecan wrote:
> Hate to dwell on it.  But. if you use less timing, then there
> is less time for the heat generated by the reaction to be
> absorbed by the combustion chamber?.  Or is that such
> a small amount not to be worring about?.
>   Bruce  Honest officer, I had my (yep) Cone Shaped Hat
>               on inside out, and was blinded by the reflection
>               off the AL foil, so I didn't see the posted speed
>               limit sign.  Oh, you really don't want to know about
>               the AL foil.........
Hiya Bruce,
   It has always been a statement of mine..Heat is energy , Energy is
Horsepower, if controlled......I have made reductions in lap times on
alum heads and pistons by ceramic coating them,,,,,it is never seen on a
dyno because a dyno is a stabilized full throttle senario...the surface
area of a piston and combustion chamber cools many hundreds of degrees
when a circle track car is off the throttle entering the corner and the
heat has to fully come back before maximum scavenging can be
achieved....While this can happen in milliseconds in can turn into
tenths of seconds in lap times,,,if the fuel curve is absolutely
correct,including accel punch,,especially in limited carb apps....where
cylinder pressure drops off in milliseconds after full throttle and
heat/energy is transfered into the piston and eventually to the
oil......BTW that cop that pulled me over the other night wasn't too
keen on my coned shaped hat,,,but it could have been because I had
worked 14 hrs that day putting an engine together and then got on this
darned computer and my eyes were pretty red, But after we talked a
while(after the sobriety check) he was happy to know I could remove his
overspeed limiter from his 95 chev truck, and I was able to put my coned
hat back on and go home.......
-Carl Summers

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