Water Injection (Was: Re: Wide Ratio O2)

Clive Apps Techno-Logicals 416 510 0020 clive at problem.tantech.com
Mon Mar 23 01:54:18 GMT 1998

> If the water injection can stay simple and inexact without injecting too
> much (limiter??),  the only error or problem would be an occasional knock,
> in which case just back off the throttle a little.
> What about injecting pure (or diluted??) toluene? As Kevin says, kind of a
> dual octane system.
> High vacuum = low octane
> low vacuum =  High octane  (very high octane?)

this could even be taken further to include an Octane map
run the timing at max advance all the time and inject <insert octane boosting
agent here> as required
this coule be tied to a knock sensor as well
instead of retarding the timing on knock just crank up the octane until the
knock goes away

would be great for a turbo setup

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