Need more fuel 2
Clive Apps Techno-Logicals 416 510 0020
clive at
Mon Mar 23 03:18:35 GMT 1998
> Oops, forgot one question before. I have never had the car dynoed so I have
> no idea of the hp I'm putting out. But now that I know the injectors are
> fired in pairs for 12.85ms @ a fuel pressure of (36psi or 38 psi, 305 chev
> ??) using an injector size of 19 lb/hr (?? 305 chev, Bosch injectors),
> running at 100%.
> What is the formula for calculating the theoretical hp from your available
> fuel ?
total flow /BSFC
if you have 8x 19 lbs/hr and BSFC of .45 (about average for a stock street car)
= 337 HP
this is assuming 100 % injector on and stock fuel pressure
BTW it takes about 4x the pressure to flow 2x as much fuel through the same
size restriction
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