coolant sensor liar (wasTuning 101)

Mike Jones rmjones at
Tue Mar 31 22:27:27 GMT 1998

<snip>  Bruce Plecan wrote:
Just got reminded of something I didn't mention earlier.  No I do not
stop, and start the car for every change I make.
  Again depending on the car.  I might make a coolant temp sensor
liar (adjustable pot in series with sensor), >>>

Speaking of coolant sensor liar--

I've been working through a problem with my Powerstroke diesel, which if 
you're not familiar with the breed, is a direct-injected diesel completely 
controlled by the PCM, right down to the drive-by-wire throttle.

The problem is what can only be described as a lean missfire under 
acceleration when fully warm.  It feels just like a gas engine with a plug 
wire off.  Done it since new.  No codes are set, and I've heard through a 
couple of reliable sources that there is no 'defect', the PCM was 
calibrated this way for California and California wannabe's.  It runs 
strong as a horse  when partially warm, coolant temp around 120-130 

Anybody have an idea of what range resistor I should begin experimenting 
with so as to knock the reported temp down from 160?  This may be a quick 
and dirty way to get me where I want to go.

Mike Jones

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