And for our Next Trick ... How 'bout a diyTrionic?

garfield at garfield at
Wed May 6 17:11:00 GMT 1998

On Wed, 6 May 1998 06:26:00 -0700, "Robert Harris"
<bob at> wrote:

>According to my Heywood and others, knock is a physical phenomena that is
>accompanied by acoustical noise, a high intensity optical flash, and a sharp
>increase in ionization.

Don't forget also the possible impulse debits to you bank account!

>Next, with proper sophistication, much more can be determined from analyzing
>the effect of a low voltage signal applied across the spark gap and
>measuring the signal after ignition.   These areas are of intense interest
>to virtually every engine manufacturer or racer.  This includes as I
>understand it - cylinder pressure, fuel air mixtures, etc. The use of this
>data can result in significant advantages and as such is more closely
>guarded than Bill Clintons Bimbo phone list.

Actually, I have another theory, as EGOR is my witness; I think the
stuff isn't kept all that secret, so much as it IS patented usually, so
anyone trying to make immediate commercial use of it is stymied for a
time. Other than outright laziness and lack of greed on the part of
aftermarket mfgs (the former I *might* believe, but not the latter B), I
see no other explanation for the fact that the 5-wire sensor and
circuitry has been pretty available in both the SAE papers from NTK and
the cars from HONDA. I'll bet we're gonna find the same thang is true
with ION, and that for us DIYers with no major cash cow involved in the
hunt, it's a veritable gold mine of opportunities for good clean fun
(well, maybe not so clean).

>Sorry Mr. Cooper, if our silly ass understanding and plebeian purpose does
>not allow us to truly dissect the entrails that your more obvious
>sophistication and expectations does.

Hey, lemme get real serious for a moment and suggest you two knock this
off pronto. I dunno what personal things are detonating between the two
of you, and it isn't my business, and you're entitled to not care for
each other; I understand real well everybody can't love everybody else,
so I'm not askin nor expecting that. BUT please keep your fisticuffs
outta ION's face, OK? Any more of these kinda potshots tacked onto an
otherwise useful post, and yous guys are gonna get on my shit list real
fast [yeah yeah, I know, 'be still my beating heart']. A toothless
threat no doubt, but since yous guys are obviously mature, I can see
you're not open to "incentives" and offers of candy to play nice. Hence,
the growl. Nough said, OK? Let's rejoin the fun stuff already in
progress, PULLEAZE.

Remember, ION's a lady; so gentlemen, I know you'll wanna take it


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