747 meet 730, 730 meet 165

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Wed May 6 18:34:48 GMT 1998

Has anyone any experience with running 2 ecms off the same 
inputs?.  ie would they have enough "impedance" to share inputs?
or would they do something strange?.  The outputs would be 
loaded independently of each other, as far as driving any loads,
it would all be run off a small motorcycle battery.  Was just
going to use some resistors (like 20 ohm for the injectors),
and hook up a ignition module with a 20 dummy load on it also.
  If this is unknown ground can anyone give me a list of things
that might go wrong.
  I can almost smell the smoke now
Bruce       Glad I scotch guarded all my Cone Shaped Hats 
                 the other day.    

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