One more thing

fastski at fastski at
Wed Nov 11 19:56:03 GMT 1998

GM Powertrain uses both MEs and EEs along with quite a few ME techs and EE
techs. Understanding electronics design and programming is important if you
want to design controllers or write code (DE in Kokomo yuck).  However if
you want to work on cars understanding control systems, mechnical systems
and thermodynamics is much more important.  There are a lot of people
working for Powertrain, I have been told the new gen Corvette has 20,000
engine calibrations. Powertrain does a lot of work at the Proving Grounds in
Mesa AZ during the summer.  Work on the right education and use your schools
resources placement office, Profs, ect to develop contacts. There are a lot
of jobs out there with all of the automakers, but you need the right

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