Learning to type.... (was Re: Programming 101 web page)

Jason Weir Jweir at worldnet.att.net
Tue Oct 13 15:25:45 GMT 1998

Steve Ravet wrote:

> > Oops for the typo.... try 3c7 to cd7
> Another typo?  3c7-cd7?  That can't be right.  That overlaps the rest
> of
> the tables, plus some of the code (code starts at 0x617 to the end).
> The table as listed on the WWW page is from 0x3c7 to 0x3d7, which is
> 16
> bytes.

I give up... Steve you are correct...I think somebody secretly rewired
my keyboard.. Either that or I need to get more sleep.. Well after
numerous attempts there it is the table from 0x3c7 to 0x3c7.. Which we
had called WOT fuel enrich but I now think is a fuel constant by RPM...
Bruce can you prove/dis-prove any of this on the bench?  Sorry for the
typists confusion..

Jason Weir

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