Felpro EFI review

Greg Hermann bearbvd at sni.net
Fri Sep 11 18:44:43 GMT 1998

>> Any truth to the rumor that Felpro gave up on their system amidst lawsuit
>> threats?
>I've heard rumors that it is going to be dropped because of poor sales
>(~$1M/year). I'd probably attribute that to lack of promotion/information.
>I tried getting ahold of a brochure with some tech details but apparantly
>nothing like that really exists.
>Any confirmations?

There is a four page (ledger sixe folded in half) glossy color flyer out
there, but that is all I have ever seen. It gives about enough detail to
get a person into trouble. Then again, I have not really tried to get hold
of anything more.>
Regards, Greg

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