New List Participant - very new

mrvette mrvette at
Wed Sep 30 18:03:40 GMT 1998

the only DPFI that I know alot about tis the L98 system on Vettes/camaros'   and
the attendant problems with IAC not operating correctly, which sounds like your
problem....check for vacuum leaks,  pinch vac. lines one at a time,  maybe you
have a leak.....if you have a MAF wire type sensor...I'd check it's operation
also.....inquire of the computer as to codes....need a shop manuel for this.....
IMHO there are too mahy variations on bikes to make an aftermarket DPFI
system....too many monifold configurations....Now if you concentrated on
Harley....well now there is a chance....GENE

Fun under the sun in          //~~~~~~~~~~~~\\
Jacksonville, Fl.  :-)))     //______________\\
                       /~~~---~   |      |   ~---~~~\
                      /|    /______\____/______\    |\
                    (( | /      |          |      \ | ))   
     Mako 'Vettes    | \============================/ |   
 Shift better with   |\ \\[  ]    |mrvette|   [  ]// /|
     Automatics      | \/+========================+\/ |
                     |_____|                    |_____|

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