PWM fuel pump

Tom Sharpe twsharpe at
Fri Feb 19 04:08:26 GMT 1999

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rauscher at wrote:

> Tom, can I get a bit of info on this guy (the fuel sensor). It sounds as though
> the
> fuel pressure measured is relative to the MAP pressure? Cost? Almost sounds
> as though the Mustang is doing the PWM fuel pump?

The new Vette does also....

> As for the schematic, I have to draw it up and get it scanned. When it does
> arrive,
> just remember that it hasn't been in a vehicle yet.

No problem. It will be in mine before spring.  Attached is a list of pins and
resistors and capacitors from your schematic. Please verify their values... I have
bad eyes and a poor monitor and have trouble reading the cap values... uf or mf , I
really can't tell on some..

Tia  Tom

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Chip	Pin	part
LM393	1-2	10k
	1-3 	100k
	1,7	wire
	2-G	0.1uf 16v Polly
	3-Vin	10k
	5-G	3.3uf 16v el.
	5-Va	100K
	5-Va	IN4001
	6-Va	10k
	6-G	10k
	1,7-Va	4.7k
	8,Va	wire
	8-G	0.1uf disk
	8-G	10mf 16v el.
	4,G	wire
2N3904	b-1,7	10k
	e- 	G
	c-	2.2k > 2N2907 pin b
2N2907	b-e	10k
	e-	12v
	c-	47u 1/2w > 1RFZ44 pin 1
1RFZ44	1-G	470u 
	1-g	1n4744 15v 1w
	3-	G		
	2-	pump -
	2-g	1N4752	
	2-pump+	1N5401
12Vin	12v	1N4001
	12v-g	10uf 35v el.
	12v-g	1N4746
LM317	3-	12v
	2-	Va
	2-G	1uf 16v el.
	2-1	220u
	1-pot	500u (470u?)
	pot-G	1k


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