Injector Driver

Bill the arcstarter arcstarter at
Wed Mar 10 02:42:10 GMT 1999

It was written:
>If I understand you correctly, you are going to hook up two injectors 
>in series.  Be careful here because you are not just dealing with 
>resistance and current.  Injectors also have inductance, and because 
>of this, it controls the time it takes for them to turn on.  Adding 
>two injectors in series will more than double the time it takes to 
>turn them on, and if they are not exactly the same, one will fire 
>before the other.

True.  Another problem is that, if these are saturating injectors - each 
injector will only see half the proper voltage - therefore only half 
their full rated current - and might not even open at all.

If they are P&H - it's harder to tell if they'd open or not - but Tim is 
right - the opening time will be longer since the voltage across the 
inductance (coil) is halved.

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