List Topics...

Orin Eman orin at
Wed Mar 24 04:30:21 GMT 1999

This sums it up well.  Please keep the off topic threads short.
It helps to preface the subject of an off topic post with 'OT' to
give members a chance of deleting such messages without having to open them.

Other administrivia.  Please don't post binaries or other
attachments.  Majordomo doesn't usually let them thru and they
end up in a special folder at my ISP... it can be a while
before I get around to looking at them.  And when I do, I always
ask that the attachment be uploaded to the ftp site and a note
posted to the list saying where the file is.

And finally, try to set your mailer for plain text only.
HTML email is practically unreadable to me and some others.
Plain text with a html attachment containing the same text
is a waste of bandwidth IMO.

Orin, list admin.

> I'd like to have the list cover anything that is EFI related,
> which of course panhard bars are not part of. If that thread
> had died early, with just a few posts, not much of a big deal.

> But it went on too long. Others have also, remember the Pontiac
> Tempest rear clutch/transaxle thread? That one last a month? It
> just ate bandwidth.

> I found the intake stuff to be OK. Why, because it's EFI related.
> I read it and archived it, I think that it may come in handy down
> the road. Who kmows when I might be building a dual TBI manifold.

> When reading this stuff, sometimes it's late at night, and 
> having to slog through a lot on non-related posts become
> a problem. The eye's aren't working too well, and, well,
> efi related posts sometimes get deleted before being read.

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