Fish Carbs

Clive Apps Techno-Logicals 416 510 0020 clive at
Tue May 4 14:40:04 GMT 1999

> >           GOOD
> >             ^
> >            / \
> >           /   \
> >          /     \
> >          -------
> >    CHEAP        EASY
> Good one Jason... good one.  I wonder how my twin-turbo 431 efi
> stroker fits into this...
>           unreliable
>               ^
>              / \
>             /   \
>             -----
>     expensive    complex

I think this is developing into a graphical representation of the 
Fangle Quotient.  See the 2 dimensional representation of the 4 dimensional 
FQ quantification below.
        Fangle-O-Meter Graphic Representation

      easy         cheap |               practical
           \             |             /
             \           |           /
               \         |         /
                 \       |       /
                   \     |     /
                     \   |   /
                       \ | /
                       / | \
                     /   |   \
                   /     |     \
                 /       |       \
               /         |         \
             /           |           \
     useless             |             difficult 
              expensive  |

You will notice that we have 4 axis, which represent the major properties of 
good Fanglage.  As we move in the positive direction on each axis we have the 
desirable properties of good Fanglage, and as we move in the other direction 
we have the undesirable properties, many government projects seem to end up in 
this region, "The Black Hole of Resources", whether intentionally or otherwise.

The scales are limitless and measured in the following units:
The u-g scale in Yugo-Rollses with 0 being approximately 1 Chevy.
The e-c scale in money with 0 being a budget the average Fangler could afford,
ie. cheaper than a mobile home in Ohio.
The d-e scale in SHM-CDB (shade tree howls-can do blindfolded) with 0 requiring
a moderate amount of attention, but no use of "magic words" or tools of
destruction, ie. replacing a bolt on carburator setup, or adjusting valve lash.
The u-p scale in GE-ME (government employees-mechanical engineers) with 0
being 1 7-11 night clerk.

Can now give meaningful fanglage co-ordinates to all ouf our projects.
As an example, Fred's EFI-383 project would come in about at
Toyota, VCR, 4 SHMs, Marine Mechanic. Totally understandable units, that explain
the workings of the projects in Fangler's terms.



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