
Todd....!! atc347 at
Tue May 4 14:46:28 GMT 1999


Thanks for sharing that info, haven't ever heard/read about stock roller
bearing apps!

Only Hig Dollar Race setups!!

Good to know!




James Montebello wrote:
> > What engines used roller bearings?  What applications?
> > Shannen
> A great many engines use roller bearings.  The bottom ends
> of most two-stroke engines are all roller bearings.
> A good many four-stroke motorcycle engines have also been made
> using rolling-element bottom ends.  Harleys use them, most
> four-stroke singles, and quite a few large displacement fours
> made by Suzuki and Kawasaki used rollers.  Even on engines
> with plain main and big end bearings, rollers are typically
> used at the ends of the crankshaft, and in the gearboxes.
> Porsche made a few racing engines that used roller bearing
> bottom ends in the '50s, and '60s.
> In all cases, the crankshafts are multiple pieces pressed
> together around the bearings and one-piece rods.  For very
> high-stress operation, these bits would be welded together.
> If the crank needed to be rebuilt, the weld was ground off,
> and the parts pressed apart.
> Most of these engines are not low power applications, either.
> The two-stroke GP machines made today produce in excess of
> 400hp/liter unsupercharged.  The big roller bearing Suzuki
> and Kawasaki engines are very popular in drag-bike applications.
> james montebello

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