Reverse Cooling?

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Wed May 5 23:21:24 GMT 1999

Flip, Flip, Flip, repeated many times.
Circle Track  June 1990. reverse cooling article by S Y.
Many more flippings,
Sept 1990  first mention of Meca Evans cooling stuff, no patent or patent
pending mentioned in their ad.
Not claiming perfection in research, but from what I see, something is

> -> Which would mean that Smokey and Circle Track put the idea into the
> -> public domain--so how in#@$$% come the patent office gave Evans a
> -> patent??
>  You can patent individual things, or you can patent a *combination* of
> previous things as a system.  You might try IBM's patent site to see if
> there's a hit on MECA.  No way to tell exactly what their patent covers
> until you see it.
>  The US Patent Office is also notorious for granting patents that
> infringe on prior patents; it's the applicant's job to do the searching.
> If patents or prior art collide, it's court time, and the attorneys win.

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