Reverse Cooling patents
Frank F Parker
fparker at
Wed May 5 23:47:40 GMT 1999
I lloked thru my Evans file and found some info on the Evans patents for
aqueous and non-aqueous ( propylene glycol) cooling systems. The patents
for PG systems are: 4,550,694 , 4,630,572 and 5,031,579.
There is alot more to the patent for reverse flow cooling aqueous
cooling systems than just reversing the flow. I have not read the
patent but according to some literature, it is the understanding of the
important role of vapor formation and recondensation which allowed Evans
to solve problems not understood or solved by others. This, I believe,
is why the patent was granted. The NUMBER is 5,255,636. It applies in
the USA.
That is why PG works so well if one does the whole system- ie : better,
pump, radiator, etc etc. MUST get rid of all the water since any left
will give the trouble causing vapor which allows high metal temps and
detonation or esc retard etc etc
frank parker
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