Espen's Reed Valves

Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Sat May 8 03:18:29 GMT 1999

4,000 on a 175cc per cylinder engine (4 stroke).
As the air flow goes up your gonna need large reeds, inertia goes up, and
they drop in max rev effectiveness.
Or go to LOTS of little one, and then port volume goes to h---.
Again, the is just on th Yamahaha, and old info, but I haven't head of any
manufacturer going to reeds lately for auto use....

> > What application is folks talking about?.
> > F1 or motorcycles?.
> > Big Problem with the reeds is do to inertia the basiclly stay open at
> > than 2,000 rpm, in say a Yamahahah 350 2 stroke motorcycle.  They will
> stop
> > reversion at low speed but not at higher speeds
> > Bruce
> All the idea of using reed valves would do is improve the low end torque -
> exactly what we want, while staying open at high speeds to reduce
> obstruction - which we also want. If they lock open at 2000 RPM on a 2
> stroke you should get some effect up to about 4000 RPM on a 4 stroker -
> which sounds pretty good to me.

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