ECU7 EFI project plans

Al Lipper efi at
Wed May 12 04:27:41 GMT 1999

	You are exactly right.  The first step is to convert EFI02.ASM to work
with the 80C552.  If you have time to work on this, that would really be
great.  Thanks!


At 03:29 PM 5/9/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi Al,
>I looked through the schematics last week. They look quite the same as my
>controller-board, except for a few things. Adress-decoding works with a gal
>on my system. I do not have a i2c interface. All i/o pins of the
>microcontroller are also on a large connector, so I can make daugtherboards
>with injection drivers and signal conditioners. I also read parts of the
>software and they are documented very well indeed.
>I also use the asm51 assembler, with the 80C552 predefined symbols
>(extension file). Are there a lot of things changed to the latest
>hardware-schematic, compared to the one on the web ?. I hope to be able to
>give you some more information about the monitor program in a week, but I am
>not sure I will have it in time.
>In the meantime, is there anything I can do, like porting software to the
>80c552 ?
>One last question, will you be using the basic compiler for ECU7 also ?
>Sorry for the bad english.
>Take care,
>marc at

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