Fuel Damper ?

Christian Hack christianh at edmi.com.au
Tue Apr 18 00:23:53 GMT 2000

> <Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 19:44:36
> <From: "Mike (Perth, Western Australia)" <erazmus at wantree.com.au>
> <Subject: Fuel Damper ?
> <
> <Hi chaps,
> <
> <Have a high pressure fuel pump which feeds into a 'damper' then into a fuel
> <filter (all at the back of the car under the fuel tank) before going to
> <front of car for fuel rail and pressure regulator...
> <
> <My questions are:-
> <
> <a.  Are these fuel dampers really necessary or will a legnth of
> <    flexible compliant hose suffice ?
> <
> <b.  What is likely to happen if you remove the damper ?
> <
> <c.  Do they restrict the flow much ?
> <    If so is it nonlienar ?


I think that the fuel damper is designed to reduced the
majority of the pump pulses generated. Kind of like a very primitive
regulator but allowing more for the pump rather than the injectors
affecting the pressure.

If you have a smooth flowing pump, it may not be needed. Maybe
Holden got a little overzealous when they designed the VL. 
The fuel filter probably absorbs a bit of the pulsing too.

Any reason why you want to remove it? I doubt it would affect
flow rate much since from memory it is exactly directly in line
with the fuel flow. Rather it's sort of off to the side of the fuel line.

I can't see much to be gained from removing it (unless it's stuffed)...

Christian Hack
christianh at edmi.com.au
EDMI Pty Ltd
Ph : (07) 3888 3066
FAX : (07) 3888 3583

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