O2 Sensor Meter Hookup

Bruce nacelp at bright.net
Fri Dec 14 07:09:44 GMT 2001

Can you guys turn off the HTML?.
Makes the archives a real mess

From: Rich M
Subject: RE: O2 Sensor Meter Hookup
no, just tap off the lambda wire to your meter, leaving the lambda wire
connected to the ECU. The other connection from your meter connects to
chassis ground. ie. the meter is connected across the lambda sensor in
parallel with the ECU.

From: Behalf Of CJYoungDET at aol.com
Subject: O2 Sensor Meter Hookup
     I was planning on building one of the simpler O2 sensor meters like the
one on http://www.students.tut.fi/~eppu/dev/EGO-bar.html.   I was wondering
how it was hooked up, it (I have a 1 wire lambada) hooked up in a series
with the meter? (from the sensor to the meter then to the ECU?).
Sorry to bother you all with this sophomoric question.

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