MAP Sensor

Bernd Felsche bernie at
Thu Dec 27 19:21:20 GMT 2001

Gary Schaumberg tapped away at the keyboard with:

> Arnie qualifies with:
> For reference let it be known that 1 bar is NOT equal to 1 atmosphere.
> I bar is equal to 14.5 psi.  Care should be taken when comparing apples
> to oranges.

1 Bar is 100kPa, which is near enough to 1 atmosphere (101.3 kPa
standard pressure, but varies between 99 kPa and 103 kPa)

> Programmer wrote:
>  1bar=1 atmosphere (or 14.7 PSI).
>  So a 2 bar MAP would be a 30 PSI sensor--or 15 PSI boost
>  above atmospheric.

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