Honda/NTK O2 sensor (redux)

Jörgen Karlsson jorgen.m.karlsson at
Sun Jul 8 11:55:14 GMT 2001

atible but could not, or would not tell me why.
> John, in tech
> support stated that that is their formal position but that he
> just sold 8 of
> the Honda version to a NASCAR team to run with their controller.  I took a
> leap of faith, bought the used controller and the Honda sensor.  The
> incompatibility lies in the connector.  The NTK connector is
> different than
> the Honda.  I was provided the burnt out original high dollar sensor with
> the box so I swapped connectors and cal resistors.  Everything is working
> fine.

I heard that it is the cal resistor that is different in the two versions,
also by using the cal resistor from the burnt sensor the controller will
think that everything is ok. But the cal resistor is not for the right
sensor. The span of the cal resistors in the honda sensor is not the same as
those in the original blue box sensors.

I think that you at least should check the readings with an other wide band
setup. Maybe you are lucky and the reading is right or you will have to use
a translation table to get the right value. Maybe you can change the cal
resistor value until the readings are correct.


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